Why I started this web page – I was considering “why” and “if “ to start this blog for two years and finally I simply decided to go for it and see what comes out of it. The question was how to set the form and put the story in it... and this is the outcome. (See the Menu yellow links)
Guiding service – the most introductory part but I don´t understand it as a traditional offer of mountain guide services as I don´t work full time.
Driver – I have always wanted to have all documents in one place. For example for occasional part time jobs in transporting (there is always something to do!).
Kaleidoscope – is something like a blog, which makes the web pages livelier and allows the reader to look into Pete’s bunch of thoughts. The nickname of this link suggests that I present these stories partly twisted by my personal views (in case you have a different opinion or disagree, which you are free to have, click on the cross in the right upper corner).
How I wandered the World – a diary of journey in Asia which my friend was active enough to publish – the original samizdat version was made to entertain members of family or close friends. So it would be a pity not to use this as another part of my web.
The Seven Summits – Fun? Not at all! I have always loved travelling so getting back to it in connection with alpine tracking is just another logical outcome which fits well into a portfolio of a mountain guide. Six destinations seem to be really feasible, Antarctic is beyond my financial limits and Asia presents another challenges. However, it is good to have a vision, isn´t it? Even if I didn´t conquer all of these, each individual trip would be an experience! That is clear!
All I reveal on www.petis.info web page is a kind of free-of-charge self-reflexion and therapy at once. You know, it´s kinda more difficult to tame and shape ideas into a written form so it seems to be more difficult and down-to-earth than just letting them wander before sleep.
Finally, something about me: Being a fire-fighter brings me my daily bread. I see this occupation as a rewarding social service with some status. I still like having 24 hours shifts – well, after all, we are helping people. What´s more, for the last fifteen years there has been this lovely beep on my mobile phone informing me about the monthly income entering my bank account (a comfortable benefit of a state job – “Be careful man , not to get soft, you´ve been there for so long!”). And that´s not all, (as said by the German Teleshopping weirdo Horst Fuchs), I can count with quite big time flexibility in this job. Until recently, my wife Iva and I fully devoted this time to bringing up or “forming” our daughter Sarah. Now, she is starting to make her own way through life so we are trying to let her go this way and I am often astonished , in a close look, by the results of our long-time efforts. Also, the time of paying up the sum of money I borrowed for getting our ownhome is coming close... so it means having more and more free time is approaching. So the spiral I started on is actually coming to its end – what I started in the late 20s century and formed me is back – climbing in Adršpach, High Tatras, Dolomites, tracks in Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas... simply: